納米奧Nasiol ZR53 汽车车身纳米涂层 – 加强配方提供終極納米車漆保護, 抵抗酸雨, 鳥糞, 刮傷, 日曬, 以及其他不良洗車技術所帶來的傷害。
適合應用在車漆, 塑膠裝飾等。簡單操作,3年效果
獨特科技確保達成一層厚度足夠的塗層, 有效保護你的愛車。
不像其它奈米塗層, ZR53 只在納米層級應用時形成晶體狀態, 在非納米層級應用不會形成晶體狀態。它會形成兩層全面的納米鍍膜, 一旦塗抹, 將會在底端形成軟塗層, 在頂端形成硬塗層, 確保極大化的抗水持久效果, 優於其它陶瓷塗層。
汽车车身纳米涂层 –加强配方(套装)(ZR53)50毫升
容量 | 50 毫升 |
应用表层种类 | 汽车及摩托车车漆, 塑料边,车灯等表面 |
有效时效 | 一般清况下, 3年 或 150次清洁 -20°C to +35°C, ph<12 清洁剂; 坏天气清况下, 1年 或 50次清洁 -40°C to +55°C, ph>12 清洁剂 |
保质条件 | 150°C |
化学持久范围 | 12>pH>1 |
消耗量 | 4 mL/m2 |
涂层厚度 | 700-1000 nm |
塗層硬度 | 9H 硬度 |
涂层厚度 | |
易清潔 | |
紫外線保護 | |
降低全息投影效果 | |
保存效期 | 1年, 開封後1星期 |
保质条件 | -3°C至+ 30°C |
生效時間 | 6小時後, 48小時內避免水潑 |
盒裝內容 | 10 瓶裝 |
提交您的评论 | |
After using so many coatings, I used ZR53. To be honest, its super slick in a single layer. So smooth & shine. Now ordered 10 packs of ZR53. Some of the images from my FB https://www.facebook.com/driveclean.in/photos/pcb.1598319503563226/1598319070229936/?type=3&theater
I put this on my 2016 Charger and it end up leaving a white residue on my paint had to take it to a detail shop to correct it and it some spots it would not come out.
I used ZR53 on our BMW M240i and the ease of application and final finish are simply outstanding. My only tip for Nasiol would be to produce the ZR53 bottles with a drip feed topper as I accidentally spilt a little product while trying to apply it to the cotton pad as I turned the bottle upside down. For me, it's the easiest coating I have ever worked with. Here's my review incl pictures from the UK on Detailing World. http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=396550&page=7
Thx nasiol. Fast delivery good quality good customer support. I've hesitated so much at the begging but it's not that difficult to apply and the result is perfect. No more wax.
aracıma uyguladım. uygulaması çok rahat. müthiş bir su iticilik ve parlaklık kazandırdı. firmaya ürününden dolayı teşekkür ediyorum. aracına seramik koruma yaptırmak isteyenlere zr53 ü şiddetle tavsiye ederim.